AI in 2019, Open Source Policies & Procedures, and More…
2 min readJan 17, 2019
What trends will define software in 2019 and what should you know to take advantage of those trends? We’ll answer those questions and more in this week’s dev digest. Enjoy!
Top Stories
- Looking forward at the new year, here are some top trends facing software development in 2019
- What should we expect from AI in 2019? Quite a lot, according to JaxEnter.
Dev Tips
- Netflix shares the architecture and implementation of its media database
- Reviewing and releasing code can be a big bottleneck. Try trunk-based development to make things a little easier
- Writing better Java code doesn’t have to be mysterious. Use these key tips to improve your Java
- A small puzzle/mystery from the dev team at Microsoft — where did this bug come from?
- Jakarta EE has made itself at home at the Eclipse Foundation and developers are starting to add new features. The latest development? NoSQL databases for Jakarta EE
Professional Advice
- Basecamp recently open sourced all their policies, handbooks, and procedures on GitHub for anyone to use. You can even submit pull requests if you think of a good policy change for their company
- Trust is a major part of leadership and management. How do you build trust with your team?
- Writing a great resume is what gets you in the door at top companies. A Twitter engineer gives some resume advice in this article
Tips from Intertech
- Our Small Talk series is back! In this edition, our devs weigh in on their favorite technologies and what tools, software, and gadgets they’re using
Have a Laugh
Originally published at Intertech Blog.