Clusterfuzz, APIs, & More…
2 min readFeb 14, 2019
by Bennett Garner | Feb 14, 2019
We’re back with another weekly edition of the dev digests, the top links on the internet in software, technology, and leadership that are worthy of a read.
Top News
- WIRED has a fascinating new article from a former CIA officer, national security advisor, and Elections Integrity Operations Head at Facebook on why tech struggles with algorithmic bias
Dev Tips
- When a senior dev writes a comprehensive post of everything he wishes he knew earlier, it pays to listen
- Smartbear recently released the results of their State of the API survey covering documentation, standards, and scalability
- JDK 12 is now in Release Candidate Phase–check out what’s new in this release
- Python 3.8 is in early alpha release. While still under heavy development, you can check out what’s new
- Google is open sourcing their fuzzing tool Clusterfuzz that’s responsible for discovering 16,000 bugs in the Chrome browser
- In another new release, React 16.8 is now available! Try using their new Hooks to use state without writing a class
Professional Advice
- As an employee or a manager, don’t estimate the importance and value of one-on-ones for producing better software
- Are you an engineering MANAGER or an ENGINEERING manager? Management is completely differentfrom being an engineer, so approach it like a new career
- Becoming a manager is really a shift in mindset about what your goals are
- Where’s the line between being a good friend and a good boss? How close is too close for a professional team?
Tips from Intertech
- Software development is a profession notorious for needing constant learning and training. Tom Salonek explores effective training in his recent post
- Rich Franzmeier’s new Angular tutorial looks at when and how to unsubscribe from RxJS Observables
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