NSA Cybersecurity Fears, Freedom of Speech, and More…
2 min readNov 20, 2019
by Tom Helvick
The dev digest is back again this week with all the best articles, stories, and videos on software development. Stay on top of the news, latest trends in development, and leadership insights when you subscribe to the dev digest!
Top Stories
- The NSA’s head of cybersecurity shares her biggest fears
- Despite the negative coverage and failed IPO, WeWork is still growing
- Python outranked Java this year for the first time in GitHub’s annual State of the Octoverse
Dev Corner
- Here’s a quick and dirty introduction to SOLID design principles for Java developers
- The second edition of You Don’t Know JavaScript is now on GitHub as a work in progress — if you’re a JavaScript developer and you haven’t read this series, then check it out!
- The React team has announced experimental support for a much-awaited “Concurrent Mode”
- Never really figured out JavaScript promises in async/await? Check this guide to get up to speed
- Pause for a given amount of time between JavaScript async tasks with waitForTime()
Professional Advice
- Uninterrupted time compounds on itself in terms of results you can produce
- As social media and other tech platforms come under fire for their roles in reviewing (or not reviewing) content, this opinionated post about the philosophy behind freedom of speech raises some important questions
Tips from Intertech
- Wondering what Apache Kafka is and why you’ve suddenly been hearing a lot about it? Learn the reasons why top companies like LinkedIn and Microsoft are using Kafka.
Have a Laugh
Originally published at https://www.intertech.com on November 20, 2019.